Posted by Matthew McNicholas on 09/29/2023

What Are the Leading Causes of Brain Injuries?

What Are the Leading Causes of Brain Injuries?

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) resulting from falls, car accidents, assaults and other head-related injuries can range in severity, but what are they exactly? While your brain is cushioned by intricate layers of tissue within your skull, it remains vulnerable to heavy impact. Whether from direct impact or whiplash, if your brain crashes against your skull walls with enough force you can face the serious consequences of TBI. 

A preliminary note, before digging into the leading causes of TBI, is to always play it safe if you have sustained a significant blow to the head or a whiplash incident. Check in with a medical professional, even if symptoms are mild. The sooner TBI is identified the less chance there is of sustaining long-term effects.

With whiplash and direct blows to the head noted as causes for TBI, there are three scenarios that commonly lead to these injuries in real life.

What are the three primary causes of traumatic brain injuries?

  1. Car crashes and traffic-related accidents: Even when wearing seat belts and obeying traffic rules, negligent driving by others can lead to TBIs. Whether buckled in or not, whiplash is a common car accident injury. It occurs when the head and neck experience forceful back-and-forth movement. In the small space between your brain and your skull, whiplash forces your brain to forcefully slam into your skull's inner wall, causing damage. Direct impact to the head, like what would occur in a “T-Bone” crash, may thrust the driver’s head into the window, applying direct force to the skull.
  2. Falls and structural collapse impacts: These may seem to be minor incidents by comparison to car crashes, but when the head collides with an unmoving surface like the floor, a significant amount of energy is concentrated on the skull and can result in TBI. These incidents can occur in various settings, such as workplaces, public spaces, or private residences. 
  3. Assaults: Physical assaults can cause TBIs when the head suffers blows from blunt objects, punches, kicks or any violent contact that results in a fall. Even if the head is not your assailant's intended target, the impact of the skull striking the ground during an assault can be devastating to the brain.

Should I consider filing a lawsuit for my TBI?

Yes, you should. Here are three key questions to discuss with an experienced Los Angeles personal injury attorney:

Was another party at fault for the accident? Filing a TBI lawsuit requires demonstrating that a separate party was responsible for the accident causing your injury. 

  • Car accident: In a car accident fault is determined through traffic laws that were violated and noted in the police report.
  • Slip and fall: If you slipped on a wet floor in a grocery store or tripped on a poorly maintained sidewalk, you might be able to file a lawsuit against the property owner or manager for their failure to maintain a safe environment. 
  • Structural collapse: If you were hit by a falling object, you may consider pursuing legal action against the property owner or the company responsible for keeping the fallen object secured.
  • Assault: In cases of assault by a stranger, you may be able to file a lawsuit against the assailant. If an employee of a business assaulted you, you might have grounds for a lawsuit against the business for negligent hiring, supervision or security practices. 
  • Self-inflicted injuries are not grounds for a lawsuit.

Did the at-fault party owe you a “duty of care”? In most vehicle collision cases, the answer is yes. Other situations, such as a TBI occurring on someone else's property, may have specific legal considerations based on why you were on their property.

Have you suffered significant losses due to your brain injury? TBI victims may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses (current and future), loss of income and benefits, and emotional trauma.

To file a successful TBI lawsuit, you and your Los Angeles personal injury attorney must provide evidence that clearly demonstrates the relationship between your injury and the accident in question. The financial costs associated with TBI can be significant, with medical bills often reaching hundreds of thousands of dollars over time. 

Chronic pain, emotional trauma and a reduced quality of life are common consequences experienced by TBI patients. Documenting your physical and psychological struggles through medical records is good for your case. Furthermore, when done promptly after injury, it can be a significant factor in mitigating the extent of your injury.

While taking prompt medical action is important it is also crucial to seek legal help, if you believe your TBI resulted from someone else's negligent or intentional actions. In Southern California, the statute of limitations for TBI claims is two years, so consult an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as possible to ensure your rights are protected.

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