Posted by Anna Mae Perillo on 02/14/2018

Collaborative Divorce: A New Beginning

Collaborative Divorce: A New Beginning

It is no surprise that more and more couples are choosing Collaborative Divorce. When clients come into our offices, we ask them, “What type of divorce do you want?” We explain; if you want to save money, figure out long term financial solutions, work in a dignified, private, and respectful manner in a process allowing for your children to thrive, then a Collaborative Divorce may be right for you.   A Collaborative Divorce meets the needs of families in a cost-effective and private atmosphere.   

The goals of most clients include financial stability during and after the divorce and protecting their children. When we discuss the option Collaborative Divorce with clients, we find that most are relieved to discover a process that protects their children and their assets.

With a Collaborative Divorce, clients have an opportunity to control the outcome with a team of trained professionals. Collaboratively trained attorneys advocate for their clients while assisting them to create creative solutions to resolve all issues.  Clients also choose amongst trained therapists and financial professionals to help the family move forward in a positive manner.

 Collaborative Divorce is child centered. When a couple has a child, a divorce is not the end of the relationship, but the beginning of a new relationship as co-parents. Choosing a Collaborative Divorce shows a willingness to work together for the benefit of the children. Children are less likely to be affected by divorce when their parents work together for their benefit.   Children who see their parents being able to communicate respectfully at their soccer games, birthday parties, and ultimately their own weddings will be healthier, happier children.

Divorce does not have to be hostile. Even where there are hurt feelings, anger, and resentment, the Collaborative approach provides a framework for the family to heal.  If a couple wants their children to have healthy relationships with both parents and to thrive in school, socially and emotionally, then the Collaborative process deserves consideration.

The Collaborative Team helps clients meet their financial goals.  Whether it is keeping the home, planning for college, or being able to retire, financial professionals can meet the challenges of the divorcing couple.  Financial team members have knowledge of taxes and investments and assist in producing long term solutions for the family’s financial security.    

The attorney and process chosen to complete a divorce has a substantial impact on the entire family. With Collaborative Divorce, gone are the days of long hours at the Courthouse, waiting over a year for a trial, and having a stranger decide how two adults and their children will live their lives.   Couples can now resolve their entire divorce in a private, cost-effective, and dignified manner.  

For more information on Collaborative Divorce, visit or contact a Collaborative Professional.  

By: Anna Mae Perillo. Esq, Law Offices and Mediation Center of Anna Mae Perillo, Esq., A pioneer of Alternate Dispute Resolution whose practice is devoted to Mediation and Collaborative Divorce, visit

Matthew Abatemarco, Esq. Matthew Abate Marco, Esq., L.L.C., Past President of the Jersey Shore Collaborative Law Group.

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